Saturday, November 4, 2017

How to Start a Blog

So, wondering how to start a blog? I’m glad you’re here! I will explain the necessary steps to get off to a successful blogging start, no technical experience required. This is the site I wish I had when I started blogging almost 14 years ago.

 I created my first blog in 2004 with zero computer experience. It took me forever to figure it out. (Let’s just say I googled until I nearly lost my eyeballs.) This guide contains what I learned along the way and is especially for those who want step-by-step instructions in an easy and simple format

Why start a blog?

There are many reasons you might consider it. Here are a few popular ones:
  • Make money while working from home. I make a full-time income blogging and many others do the same. Making money with a blog is hard work, but the barrier to entry is low, making it very low risk.
  • Become a published author. It’s no secret, these days publishers rarely work with authors who don’t have an online presence. The reason is simple: it’s a lot easier to sell books to people who already know you. A blog is one of the easiest places to start.
  • Get more exposure for your existing business. A blog gives anyone—from individuals to large companies—the ability to reach a large number of people at very little cost.
  • Just write. If you want to write, share your story, encourage others and build a community, a blog is a great place to do that.

Start a blog in 6 steps

  1. Decide what to blog about.
  2. Choose a blogging platform.
  3. Find a host.
  4. Pick a domain name.
  5. Get started with WordPress.
  6. Design & use your blog!
If you’re not completely certain about your blog topic, don’t let that stop you from getting started. It’s a super common beginner mistake!
If you’re an individual, start with a topic you enjoy. If you don’t care about your topic, writing will be drudgery. And why would readers be interested if you aren’t? Also, make sure you have plenty to say about your topic. A blog requires a lot of great content to get going and remain interesting.
If you’re part of a business, company or organization, your blog should be related to the product(s) or service(s) you provide, or the cause you promote.
If yours is a super popular topic, come up with a unique angle. Do you have a reasonable shot at making your blog better than others talking about the same thing? The goal for any blog is to become the go-to resource in its topic or niche.

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