Saturday, November 18, 2017

How to Find Your Car in a Crowded Parking Lot

You step out of the grocery store or work 
building and realize you have no idea where your car is parked. For many people, this is a recurring problem, and in large, crowded parking lots it can be difficult to remember exactly where your car is waiting for you. Locating your car doesn't need to be a stressful task, and there are many helpful strategies for making sure
you don't forget where you parked

Press your car's panic button

 If you have a remote key fob that sets off your alarm or horn, try pressing it to locate the sound of your car alarm. Be prepared to turn your alarm off again promptly, and don't do this in the middle of the night if there are residences close by where people might be disturbed

Remember that if you're not within range, your alarm won't be set off
Search for your car up and down the rows of parked vehicles
While this is not the fastest tactic, walking up and down each row of the parking lot is a guaranteed way of finding your car. Start at one edge of the area where you think it might be and be systematic about it - you don't want to walk aimlessly in circles
This strategy works best in smaller parking lots; searching through huge parking lots, or even parking decks, can take a long time if you have no idea where to start

Use a phone to call someone for help
If you truly have no idea where your car is parked and think you need assistance, many parking lots have signs posted with a number to call for help. Just dial the number on the sign and someone will be able to use technology (usually using your license plate number) to help you locate your car
This is most often the case in airport parking lots or other large lots where it can be easy to forget where you've parked

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