Thursday, October 26, 2017

idea 2

... what if 
What if ... In the business world you open a lot of doors, bring a lot of innovation, do not think about problems, consider the problems solved now, think about solutions, how to make them faster, stronger, bigger, faster .. more. All these things contain millions of successful project ideas

Surplus and scarcity
The "surplus" of residence in a particular place during a given period, on the other hand the "rare" to find a way to regulate this, resulted in the AirBnB site one of the most famous examples of fast-growing projects.
Many people with the time and effort of start-ups are short of funding to set up their projects. On the other hand, individuals and companies are willing to finance these projects, resulting in KickStarter and IndieGoGo.
Many professional people and experts have time to give advice for free and in their free time, on the other hand many people have questions and things you want to know, Quora site.
Do you know where this takes us? Every scarcity you notice, offset by surplus, you only need to have a link between them, which will result in a successful project idea. Every dollar you spend is someone else's income, and every dollar you earn is a dollar spent by someone else

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